Hunting down corporate superstars – The employee that has it all

Hiring a new member of your team, isn’t always easy, as you’ll not only want someone who can perform like a superstar in the role but an employee who also fits nicely within your company’s culture.

Finding that right employee can pay off hugely, with research from the Harvard Business Review showing the best performers are roughly four times as productive as average performers.

So how exactly do you find those top performers? Here are some tips to help you hunt down a corporate superstar that has it all: Continue Reading


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Turn your passion into your full time job

Now more than ever Aussies are turning their passions – fitness, beauty, photography, social media etc – into their full time profession. However, for those that are still stuck in a job that they are unhappy in, making this transition may be a bit daunting.

Sound familiar? If you’re one of the many people looking for greater fulfilment out of your full time job, this blog is for you, as we run through the major considerations of turning your job into your passion.
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Jumping back into the workforce – How to make a splash

Whether you’re a mum returning to work after a period of maternity leave or a globetrotter finally ready to give up the life of travel for a 9-5 job, it may take some time to find that perfect role.

But there are some tactics job hunters can take on, who have been out of the working game for a period, that will help ensure success.

So if you’re ready to plunge back into the workforce, read our top tips below for employment success:

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Present vs productive – 5 ways to kick start productivity at work

In the workplace there’s always going to be different types of employees. For instance, there’s those who proclaim to be “workaholics” staying back until 8pm but are actually getting through a minimal amount of work (this is dubbed presenteeism). By comparison, other employees may work strictly within the hours of 9am-5pm but breeze through a much larger amount of work.

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What’s good for you and your career? Volunteering!

Daffodil Day - Cancer Council - Dorota and Jess

Did you know that over six million Australians volunteer every year? That means one in four of us are giving our time to help others, and according to research those who volunteer are happier as a result. Of course, helping those who are less fortunate is a reward in itself, but it can also benefit your career!
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