
Will my career be affected by moving jobs often?

As recruiters, one of the most common reservations we often hear about CVs is that the candidate is “too jumpy.” In other words the person has changed jobs too many times and doesn’t have much longevity in any of them. Continue Reading


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Media agencies: comparing Apples with Oranges?

One of the biggest barriers to candidates realising their true potential is the premise that all media agencies are the same. This theory can act as a severe stumbling block in the career aspirations of individuals. Candidates who abide by this theory tend to stay in their current agency or wait for that once in a life time opportunity perhaps on the client side, therefore missing fantastic opportunities that come their way with other agencies. Continue Reading


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Long hours? Thinking about changing jobs?

How hard should you work? How long should you stay in the office every day? Is it ok to leave the office at 5.30 or will the boss be disappointed with your level of commitment if you do? Continue Reading


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The truth about working client side

“I want to move client side”. This is by far and away one of the most common phrases to hear from our candidates in the digital market. It all seems so much greener on the other (client) side. But is the move from agency land to client side all that it is worked up to be? Continue Reading


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How does the UK market really compare to Australia?

Neil Middlemass

Over the last couple of weeks we had a special guest working with us in the office. Our recruitment partner Neil from Neil’s Recruitment was sharing our desks, accompanying us to our client meetings and inviting us to others.

Towards the end of his visit we sat down in the O bar (a cool restaurant with a 360 view of Sydney) and talked about how much you could really find out the industry and Australian culture within two weeks. Here are the key findings: Continue Reading


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