Offline to Online: In Search of the Holy Grail (of media)

Digital is something that everyone talks about. Advertising budgets are getting more digitally focused and more and more money is being diverted there. If all the reports are to be believed then digital advertising is the best thing since sliced bread! While digital media is important does that mean that offline channels are in danger of becoming as extinct as dinosaurs?

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Battle of the Commonwealth – Comparing Aussies to the Brits

Australia is already known for being an extremely multi-cultural country, but when you’re comparing the digital and media landscape in Oz; it becomes even more so. In fact that it can almost be a novelty to find Aussies, particularly in upper management positions. The reason for this is that the market began earlier in the UK than it did in Australia so the best UK talent were able to come join an emerging market and help grow it. But – times have changed. The market is no longer emerging, it is established and it is becoming much harder for UK candidates to get a role ahead of an Australia candidate. As consultants, we’re often asked by Australian candidates “how do I compare with candidates at my level from the UK”? Continue Reading


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The Leading Industry Blogs

Industry Blogs… worth following

We’re often asked by grads and not only grads what’s worth reading or following. I don’t feel I’m a market guru who could tell you what to do or not to do; I do however have a vast network within the industry and consider myself a strong and connected recruiter.

So I’ve asked my contacts across digital and media and based on their suggestions have put the following list together.

If we’ve missed any great blogs, please send them over, so the list could be more useful.

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How does the UK market really compare to Australia?

Neil Middlemass

Over the last couple of weeks we had a special guest working with us in the office. Our recruitment partner Neil from Neil’s Recruitment was sharing our desks, accompanying us to our client meetings and inviting us to others.

Towards the end of his visit we sat down in the O bar (a cool restaurant with a 360 view of Sydney) and talked about how much you could really find out the industry and Australian culture within two weeks. Here are the key findings: Continue Reading


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How to deal with a boss from hell – or 5 of them!

How much time & energy do we waste dealing with difficult people? Worse when it’s your boss! How difficult is it to stay motivated and do your job well?

Here are five types of bosses you might come across and some tips on how to stay motivated if you work for them.
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