The 5 mistakes you’re already making in your job hunt

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Whether you’ve just finished school or are looking for new career opportunities, there’s lots to consider when it comes to the job hunt. But while you’re focused on polishing up your resume or crafting that perfect cover letter, you might not realise that you’ve already gotten off on the wrong foot!

Don’t end up in one of these common job search pitfalls.

You’re relying solely on job listings

Is most of your time spent finding and applying for listings on websites like Seek or MyCareer? Stop right there! While the exact figure is up for debate, there’s no question that there’s a ‘hidden job market’ out there where positions are available but not openly advertised. So how do you find out about these opportunities?

The most reliable way is to tap into your existing Network. Let people know you’re seeking new opportunities – and what types of roles you’d be interested in. And don’t just rely on your professional and industry network either, you might be surprised by the contacts your dentist or accountant might have!

You don’t have a professional social media presence

In the digital age, chances are pretty high that potential employers are going to look you up online -so that means making sure your online profile is clean. But there’s more to it than just making sure there are no inappropriate photos of you in cyberspace. Your online profile is the perfect opportunity to demonstrate your professional knowledge and highlight your achievements. Set up your own website or online portfolio, join and participate in online groups and discussions in your field, write blog posts or contribute to forums – these are fabulous ways to present yourself as a thought leader and innovator.

You’re only focused on presenting yourself in the best possible light

Wait, isn’t that the point of the job search? Yes and no. While it’s important to put your best foot forward in your job hunt, one mistake we often see is candidates talking too much about themselves and not focussing on how they can help their prospective employer. Throughout the application process, you need to demonstrate how your particular experience and achievements will help the company or business meet their goals.

You’re looking for the wrong job

Businesses and industries are changing rapidly in the digital age and the workforce must also adapt. This means traditional roles are being redefined and new ones are being created all the time. As a job seeker, keep an eye out for new opportunities – you might be pleasantly surprised by what’s out there.

You’re going at it alone

In addition to reaching out to your existing networks, it’s worthwhile getting someone else onside to help with your search. Industry specific recruiters know the lay of the land and what’s happening in the job market and can match you to new roles and opportunities that you might not have been aware of.

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